Saturday, January 21, 2006

Editors at Mercury Lounge

Outstanding show last night by Editors. They were much more animated on stage than I expected. Much like The Back Room, the band seemed more into the faster paced songs (as did the crowd). And polite Tom Smith kept thanking the crowd for coming out because the band "was so faraway from home." Highlights were "Blood," "Munich," and "Fingers in the Factory." Yet for all the anticipation, this wasn't the greatest show of all time - perhaps the relatively short set had something to do with it. We'll see what happens at The Annex tonight.

The crowd was more subdued than I thought it would be. For such a Craigslist freakout, the packed room was surprisingly still, as if no one knew the songs. There was a crew right at the front of the stage who were constantly jumping around, but that was about it.

And let's not forget The Picture, who opened the night. Upbeat indie rock with subtle synths from this NY 5 piece. Their album Connect was just released, and it's definitely worth picking up.


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